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Nurses’ Positive Influence on the Bottom Line (Free for ANA Members)

Regular Price: $29.00
Event Date: November 15, 2023 Event Time: 1:00 PM Online Course & CNE Credit Expiration: 11/15/2026
1 Contact Hours
Presented by Ana

You, as nurses, provide measurable value to health care and are more than an expense in an organization’s financial bottom line. Experts, including ANA, will be speaking about specific research, a piloted program, and ethical considerations that help to demonstrate and define the economic value of nursing.

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Course Details


As a nurse, have you ever felt that you are only viewed as an expense in your organization’s financial bottom line? Through discussions with experts about recent studies and programs, this webinar will aim to show that nurses provide measurable value to a healthcare organization. Specifically, you will hear and learn about approaches and research demonstrating the value of investing in nursing resources, a  unique piloted direct reimbursement model that defines and measures the value of nursing, and the ethical considerations of measuring the economic value of nurses.

Learning Objectives 

  • Discuss nursing's contribution to an organization's financial bottom line 
  • Learn approaches for measuring the value of nurses- and nursing services 
  • Identify ethical considerations

Location Details

Online release at 1 pm, November 15, 2023.


Use of these or any other course(s)/material(s) does not imply eligibility for certification or successful performance on any certification exam, nor is it a requirement to qualify for individual certification.

American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) does not endorse any products or services.

Accreditation Statements

The American Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.


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